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Gothic Architecture Powerpoint Templates

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Architecture templates

Transcript: Architecture templates VIPER View Interactor A typical VIPER Module consists of five components: View, Interactor, Presenter, Entity, and Router. Presenter View is passive and doesn't do much on its own. Its sole responsibility is to message events to the presenter and display UI elements. Interactor is a UIKit-independent component that performs all business logic. For example, in our app, it uses Services to communicate with the REST API in order to obtain image data from an URL. Presenter is also UIKit-independent. It receives messages from the view and decides whether to send messages to the interactor or the router. It also receives the data from the interactor and prepares it for the view to display in the suitable format. Entity Entity is a plain model that’s used by the interactor Router Router, in our app, is responsible for creating a particular module and navigating from one module to another Clean swift Model ViewController The Clean Swift Architecture is not a framework. It is a set of Xcode templates to generate the Clean Architecture components for you. That means you have the freedom to modify the templates to suit your needs. Interactor This component encapsulates the request, response and viewmodel representation for each flow of action of the scene. These 3 elements are of the structure type. The ViewController has two main roles, one being as an entry point for any actions of the current scene, the other being to display the formatted information contained in the viewmodel back to the user. The role of the interactor is mainly the computation part of a scene. This is where you would fetch data (network or local), detect errors, make calculations, compute entries. Worker The worker is a secondary element in the clean swift schema. Its main role has to do with the heavy lifting and unburdening of the interactor from things like network api calls, database requests and so on. Presenter The presenter has a very precise role. Its main focus is to create a representation of parts of the data to be displayed on screen at a specific moment in time. This data representation is contained in an element called the viewmodel. Once it has formatted the raw data the presenter sends it back to the controller to be displayed. Router This element is linked to the controller. It takes care of the transition between scenes (screen of an application). Coordinator Using the coordinator pattern in iOS apps lets us remove the job of app navigation from our view controllers, helping make them more manageable and more reusable, while also letting us adjust our app's flow whenever we need.

Gothic Architecture

Transcript: Antoni Gaudi - From Romanesque to Gothic Architecture Gaudi Batlo chair – Park Guell – Internal Duomo Florence Sagrada Familia – Gothic architecture spanned three hundred years originating in the twelfth century and declining in the fifteenth (though examples still occurred in the sixteenth century). Despite its popularity, the gothic style began to be superseded in the fourteenth century by what became known as the Renaissance style of architecture. The decline of gothic architecture occurred at different rates throughout Europe. In Italy, the birthplace of the renaissance and a country where Gothic architecture had not been as energetically embraced as elsewhere, the move to Renaissance style building was relatively rapid. By contrast in France where gothic architecture was born and had flourished the transition was slower. Unlike the move from Romanesque to Gothic, the move from Gothic to Renaissance architecture was not evolutionary. That is to say, Renaissance architecture is not an extension of Gothic architecture but a significantly different style influenced by early Roman design. The Renaissance was a cultural movement occurring between the 14th and 17th centuries. Renaissance translates to “re-birth” and this period embraced a focus on learning from classical sources leading to educational reform and a more humanist approach. The period’s influence was almost omniscient, and was reflected in art, politics, religion and all intellectual pursuits. Architecture, was not immune and began to influence art. In fact some attribute the introduction of pictorial perspective to Brunelleschi, a Renaissance architect. Architectural history also began to be better recorded at this time, with the lives and careers of architects and their influences and projects were recorded in detail for the first time. Renaissance architecture represents such a rejection of what preceded it, that it is easily recognized and differentiated from its’ gothic predecessor. Despite this, both periods yielded buildings that are instantly recognizable to many and continue to be viewed with wonder by the many thousands of visitors fortunate enough to see them. Even a superficial comparison of two such world famous buildings, Notre Dame and St Peter’s Basilica provides us with an overview of the distinct differences in gothic and renaissance style. In the Renaissance-style pointed openings are replaced by flat or semicircular openings - note the pointed door and windows of Notre dame as compared with the arches and circles of St Peters. Towers and spires are replaced by a return to classic Roman domes in the Renaissance period. St Peter’s provides perhaps the most famous example of this, a masterpiece of 42m diameter completed by Michelangelo. The walls of Notre Dame, with their huge windows and multiple openings, demonstrate the requirements for the external buttresses flanking the building. While it was later extended Michelangelo’s original design of St Peter’s, a Greek cross (four symmetrical arms) with a central dome is a strong example of the focus on geometric shapes and symmetry in the renaissance. The detail of both these buildings is far too great to go into in this short piece. Suffice to say that despite the evolution of both buildings over time much of their beauty is attributable to being exemplars of their respective architectural styles. Gothic Architecture & Antoni Gaudi ‘Notre Dame cathedral’ Sourced from accessed 8th May 2013 Sagrada Familia – By Lambrini ‘Interior St Peter’s Rome’. Source: National Geographic travel accessed 8th May 2013 ‘Internal shot of the dome at St Peter’s Rome’. Sourced from accessed 8th May 2013 ‘”Back of Notre Dame” Source: accessed 9th May 2013 ‘Ribbed vaults at Notre Dame.’ Source: accessed 8th May 2013 Italy created its own Gothic style by combing the classics of Greek and Roman architecture with the Gothic style. The Gothic style was only considered for internal inspiration rather than external inspiration because the Italians thought that the Gothic Style externally was ugly. The Italians liked the vaults, they liked the pointed arches, they liked the columns, however with the columns they didn’t like stoned bare columns they preferred frescoed or marble columns or in the some cases both. They liked the flying buttress but only internally. The Italians disliked gargoyles and didn’t use this feature on their buildings it was a more original Gothic adornment. Gothic Architecture in

Gothic Architecture

Transcript: -Shape of crosses William of Sens -1211, France -close look to "Amiens Cathedral" -symmetrical, two towers -ornate windows -affected by World War I -Started construction 1245, England -attracts millions of tourist each year -still used today -plans for expansion -ornate, very tall and symmetrical Early Gothic Architecture Saint Denis Basilica Jean d'Orbais, Jean-Le-Loup, Gaucher de Reims and Bernard de Soissons Henry of Reyns, John of Gloucester and Robert of Beverley -Style known for churches, abbeys, castles, palaces, town halls, guild halls and universities across Europe Rouen Cathedral -Many cathedrals allowed a lot of light through the windows to symbolize the light of god. This created a more spiritual atmosphere. -One of the first Gothic structures -Construction started in 1130s -Inspired Gothic architects throughout Europe -Flying Buttress Westminster Abbey - Ribbed Vaulting -The pointed vault ceilings pointed heavenward, medieval focus was on the afterlife more than the worldly life -Evolved from Norman architecture and aspects of Romanesque art in 1140 c. Île-de-France Gothic church: the nave arcade, gallery, triforium and clerestory -During the Medieval period Churches , castles and cathedrals built to represent strength and power "Examples of Gothic Architecture." Life123. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012. "Gothic Architecture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 June 2012. Web. 03 Dec. 2012. "Gothic Art And Architecture." Gothic Art And Architecture. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012. "History of Gothic Architecture." History of Gothic Architecture. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. "The Seven Key Characteristics of Gothic Architecture." : From the Gargoyle to the Flying Buttress. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2012. -Grand, Tall Designs, led upwards with height and Grandeur (Majesty) -Stained Glass Windows Characteristics Value to Culture Reims Cathedral -France -Started building in 1160 -twin towers, arched windows and flying buttress -The term Gothic came out of the Renaissance -1202, France -elaborate tower designs -represents wealth and Gothic Design Laon Cathedral France -Materials Work Cited -France -1194 began construction -different towers, asymmetrical -stone archways -known for stained glass Chartes Cathedral

Gothic Architecture

Transcript: Gothic Architecture When did Gothic Architecture start? Why is it called "Gothic"? Characteristics of Gothic Architecture Who started the Gothic era? Where was the birth place of Gothic Architecure Some examples of Gothic architecture Tower of London Notre Dame St. John the Evangelist Lubart's Castle Doberan Minster St. John the Evangelist church Gargoyles hugeness archways castles statues dark colors mansions trap doors/secret passages dungeons flying buttresses Gothic comes from the classical writers of the renaissance They called it a non-classical ugliness. It was invented by the barbarian Gothic tribes Gothic architecture was first found in France at Île-de-France Eventually Gothic architecture spread throughout Europe to Germany,England, Italy, the Low Countries,Spain and Portugal. Gothic Architecture lasted from the mid 12 century to the 16 century. Back then everyone thought it was ugly and barbaric and totally non-classical. Until the 19th century when Gothic Architecture was re-evaluated and considered awesome!!!! The people who started Gothic Architecture were the Italian writers of the Renaissance The Italian writers contributed to the invention of Gothic architecture The main contributer were the Barbarian Gothic tribes Abbot Suger invented Gothic architecture because he wanted to make builings stronger but the first person to actually call something "gothic" was Raphael Tower of London Thanks for watching :) Notre Dame

Gothic Architecture

Transcript: Located in Paris, France. over 30,000 visitors a day. Saint Stephen Construction of Notre Dame as we know it today began in the year 1160. In 1163 the cornerstone of the cathedral was placed. The final touches were finished in the 1230’s. two towers reach up to 226 feet. It’s spire reaches 300 feet It’s tower has five bells. Playing these bells in certain sequences can mark services or the time of day. One of the first cathedrals to use flying buttress (insert photo into slide). Famous for several small sculptures and gargoyles Height is most recognizable feature Flying Buttress Pointed Arch Vaulted Ceiling with Ribs Light and Airy Interior Stained Glass windows Gargoyles Ornate Exteriors with Tracery Located in Reims, France In 1211, Cathedral replaced an older church that was destroyed by a fire The main architects were Jean d’Orbais, Jean-Le-Loup, Gaucher de Reims, and Bernard de Soissons Cathedral is 455 feet long, 125 feet high, and 98 feet wide In 1233, a long-running dispute between church chapter (monks, nuns, etc.) and the townsfolk boiled over In the Hundred Years War, under siege by the English from 1359 and 1360 Has two towers that are 267 feet Building was damaged in World War I There are 3 portals that are laden with statues and statuettes The North side has statues of the Bishop of Reims and representations of the Last Judgment and Christ South side has a modern Rose window of Prophets and Apostles Main Church of Florence, Italy Began being built in 1296 by Filippo Brunelleschi Finished structurally in 1436 Symbolized Florence’s growing importance After 100 years of construction, the structure was still missing its octagonal dome Last component to be completed in 1436, lantern was added in 1461 Dome built without supports because of the design The outer, smaller shell supports the roof and protects the inner shell from outer elements There’s a staircase between the two shells, leading up to the lantern Key Elements Designed in 1434 by Pierce Robin Located in Rouen, France Replaced an existing Parish church It is considered a Paradigm of the Flamboyant Gothic Style Tracery is - elaborate pattern of interlacing, stone lines in architecture, especially Gothic windows The Choir is octagonal Choir - seating area for clergy and choir Western facade is has no towers, but is has a five-gabled porch that facets into three planes and bows outward Gables - Triangular section at the end of a pitched roof between two sloping sides Porch has flying buttresses above the aisles Tympanum displays Christ with hands out to people that are surrounding him. To his right, the people are headed toward Heaven, to his left toward hell Tympanum - semi-circular or triangular decorative wall over an entrance Gothic Architecture Built in the 1194 about fire had almost completely destroyed it Classical point in architectural history When Gothic reached its maturity Beautifully sculpted 13-century stained glass All colors mean something different Arcade piers have 4 shafts, one in each main direction The clerestory windows are divided into two large lights Above is a miniture rose window Exterior structure is made with flying buttresses Strengthened by the half arches, expressing the upward movement Ringed by towers and spires The vail of Mary is in the cathedral Alnwick Castle What Stained Glass Colors Mean Located in Northumberland, England. Receives over 800,000 visitors per year. The first parts of the castle were erected in about 1096. Built to protect England’s Northern border against the Scottish The current Duke and his family reside in a castle There is a deep ravine to the south and east Distinguished as one of the earliest castles in England to be built without a square keep. Consists of two main rings of buildings The inner ring contains the principal rooms. Featured in Cinematics such as all of the Harry Potters and Robin Hood Which of the structures did you like best and why? Sainte-Chappelle Florence Cathedral Windows read like stories Light reminded people of God Bible Stories and Events were main inspiration for designs Put together intricately - Cut glass, Lead, painted Why did you make your glass the way you did - those colors? Cathédrale Notre Dame de Reims What do you know about Notre Dame or the Hunchback that resides there? Stained Glass The Chartes Cathedral Church of Saint-Maclou History Located right in the heart of Paris, France Constructed some time after 1239 to house Louis IX's most prized relics. Completed in 1248 and consecrated on April 26th Quick phase of the gothic architectural style known as Rayonnant. This is made obvious from the large glass stained windows and emphasis in the arches. large stain glass windows cover the walls. in between the windows are twelve oversized statues of the twelve apostles. Scenes on the windows depict the new testament and the book of genesis The Basics Goths held power in Europe Represented Giant Steps from basic style Evolved from Romanesque style with

Gothic Powerpoint

Transcript: Gothic Pop Culture example #2 Summary of The Judge's House by Bram Stoker The Judges House contains multiple Gothic literary elements including an atmosphere of mystery and suspense, and supernatural occurrences alongside a setting that took place inside`a large abandoned house. The story also contains many sets of Gothic themed vocabulary including terms for mystery, darkness, and even terms for largeness when describing the size of an ominous rat. Upon reading the poem, few Gothic literature elements were easily noticeable, of which include and ominous supernatural occurrence of a worm turning into a bloody snake, or the unseemly conclusion that the events were just an unsettling dream. There also seems possible to be an explicable connection to ominous side to nature and of what could be, the narrator upon concluding the lines as a "dream" leaves the reader thinking of what could have happened, or even what may have followed. Hi How are you. Gothic Pop Culture example #1 The American Horror Story series, and especially the Murder House season is one of few popular horror themed TV shows available to watch. The main theme of the series would seem to be a suspenseful, omnipotent filling to make the viewer question what may or may not be real. Many literary devices include suspense, a somewhat hopeless mood, dark and mysterious imagery that could bring forth the deepest fears of some viewers, and some symbolism to evil in nature. This TV series fits within Gothic tradition by focusing on the evil side of nature, presenting supernatural beings that would instill a great sense of fear into its' victims. Connections between the American Horror Story: Murder House series and our assigned Gothic texts include elements of supernatural happenings and a focus upon unsettling occurrences of undeniably evil beings. Dark Romantics and American Gothic Literature Visual representation #2 Malcolm Malcolmson wanted to complete his studies in a quiet place away from distractions. He choose a desolate market town called Benchurch. In Benchurch there was a cruel judge who executed people in his home. Malcolm chose his home to study in and experienced multiple supernatural occurrences. For example, their was an usual occurrence of rat noises in the house but would fall silent when a fat rat with hostile looking eyes appeared. After a couple nights of spooky encounters the ghost of the late judge appeared and chased Malcolm around his room with a noose. Upon catching Malcolm, the ghost of the Judge took the noose and, with the help of the rats, hung Malcolm. Analysis of In Winter, in my Room By: Emily Dickinson Analysis of The Judges House Visual representation #1 Lost Tapes was a popular show 5 years ago with it's use of supernatural entities. The main theme of the show is to make fictional events seem real. In this particular episode suspense and foreshadowing become prevalent with the many objects moving infront of them while walking in the house. Also the characters slow movements when moving objects or walking. The short story and this episode is related through the use of the supernatural occurrence of a ghost appearing with threatening intentions. American Horror Story: Murder House Lost Tapes: Season 3, Episode 4

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