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Presentation Outline

Transcript: Conclusions Transylvanian Political Science Conference 22.02.2014 The sketch of a case study on recent Romanian social movements 2 conflicting notions of civil society References epistemological and ontological assumptions researcher as an out-of-the-world observer of the world vs. researcher engaged in a specific form of practice that affects the forms of life looked upon the problem of concept reification e.g. left-right distinction: running a regression that tests if people self-represent on the left-right scale according to the traditional understanding of the scale shows that the same concept can refer to contradictory contextual meanings. meanings do matter. Presentation Outline On Two Conflicting Understandings of Civil Society A brief methodological outline: qualitative research (semi-structured interviews & etnography) + discourse analysis (on both movement manifestos and ) A look at the genesis of the new Romanian social movements: from the 2012 anti-government protests to the 2013 ecologically centralled protests: the anti Rosia Montana gold mining & anti shale gas exploitiation protests. General evolution of discourse The pre-articulation of an alternative discourse Its reappropiation inside neoliberal discourse. Possible points of resistance and creation of an alternative narrative Differences between the 2012 and 2013 protests. The rise of a national-neo-liberal and nationalist-anticapitalist discourse Introduction for the positivist skeptic The theoretical starting point 2 notion of: civil society intellectuals A sketch for a case study on Romanian new social movements Alexandru Dumitrascu for the positivist skeptic two conflicting notions of civil society: traditional liberal view: civil society as a space of neutrality and freedom in direct opposition to the state, i.e. the government gramscian understanding of civil society: civil society somehow integrated part of the state; location of the deployment of hegemonic discourse, not only a space of freedom but also a space of hegemony, of manufactured consent. corresponding understandings of the role of intellectuals: traditional vs. organic intellectual Buttigieg, Joseph A. 1995. “Gramsci on Civil Society.” Boundary 2 22 (3): 1–32. doi:10.2307/303721. Foucault, Michel. 1982. “The Subject and Power.” Critical Inquiry 8 (4): 777–95. Gramsci, Antonio. 1971. Prison Notebooks. New York: International Publishers. Vrasti, Wanda. 2013. “Universal but Not Truly ‘global’: Governmentality, Economic Liberalism, and the International.” Review of International Studies 39 (01): 49–69. doi:10.1017/S0260210511000568.

Presentation Outline

Transcript: Acquire more franchisees Expand Range of rewards for customers by partnering with me companies- Double Dipping Focus on Building Stronger Relationships = $ 69,438,000 Presentation Outline Expand Growing Demand in the lodging industry Growth in travel and tourism industry Getting potential clients from new partners (25 airlines, 3 car rental firms and other firms) Maintaining business without spending money will make more margin, it costs less Nights in 1998 What Will That Look Like? 712,000 Strengthen position in business market Targeting 1/3 of Hiltons Market Changing the hotel norms with no blackout dates, no capacity control while offering hotel reimbursement and paperless rewards Announced launch of new program with 50M budget for Advertising Increasing competitive pressure Damage Hiltons momentum Damaging market pattern Huge costs Reduced consumer spending Customers wont stay loyal to one company Economy Natural Disasters Weakness Match Starwoods Hilton doesnt have the option to do nothing because they are too small. If they do nothing they will loose part of our current market to Starwoods. Nights mem. got for free = + Hilton needs to decide if they are going to match Starwoods Loyalty program, Expand Current Market or Remain the same = $ 69,837,000 Implementation Remain the same _________________ Starwood has unvieled an aggressive frequent guest program Hilton is debating if they compete point for point or take a different position and hold on to our loyal members by differentiating hhonors from Starwood and other competitors Do they or do they not change their Hhonors memberships Open up a new brand under the Hilton chain Personally call all of their present clientele and host a banquet for all of their loyalty members. Upgrade benefits Supporting/investing in other companies They can administer an additional bonus to the current amount of points to each member of the HHonors program. Re-invest in the casino segment + Net Income Increase Spending in Advertising to upwards of 50 million Implement: No Blackout Dates No capacity Control Paperless Rewards Hotel Reimbursement Hilton cannot afford to match Starwoods Identifying the Problem What is Starwood Offering? Calculating Current Profit SWOT Analysis Options for Hilton Analyzing Options Justifying our Solution Implementation Plan Video Does Hilton Hhonors Pay Out? 7,907,000 + Options Revenue from honors Starwood is a much larger company This creates a new issue for Hilton Smaller market: One hotels decision determines the future for all Starwood deficit spending reduces cost effectiveness It is going to cost too much to compete Less standardization with competitors 7,015,000 = $ 339,000 Extra Rooms Used by airline mem. What is Starwood Attempting To Do? Opportunities S.W.O.T Problem Identification Threats Strengths: Brand equity (Reputation) Double dipping feature Large corporate clients World renowned properties New technology system Fewer rooms, less expenses (costs) Exchangeable points Gain Publicity Cost of Hhonors Nights They paid Hilton HHonors Worldwide:Loyalty Wars 180,000

Presentation Outline

Transcript: Summative Assessment - Comprehension Paper Term 4 - Environment LINK TO LESSON PLAN: Term 1 - Technology Presentation Outline Context for Group's UP Big Picture 1 Big Picture 2 Big Picture 3 Unit Plan Lesson Plan BIG PICTURE 3 - Assessment Plan Year Plan Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Sub-unit 1: History of Communications Skills: Visual Text Sec 2 BIG PICTURE 4 - CLLIPS & ACoLADE Sub-unit 2: The Internet Skills: Expository Our UP's goal is to address the school's following EL curriculum goals: Value-added results Deliver a curriculum which encompasses a diversity of research-based approaches Provide real-life learning experiences Opportunities for critical thinking Part of the 4th EL curriculum goal will be covered in the other Units: Diverse language skills development using a blend of language and literature Formal (Alternative) Assessment - Graphic Organizer: Information extraction and representation Informal Assessment - Oral Presentation: Critique of understanding of visual text BIG PICTURE 2 Term 3 - Sports BIG PICTURE 5 - Students' Learning Needs Sub-unit 3: Social Media Skills: Comprehension Informal Assessment - Word Splash: Relevant vocabulary words learned thus far Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Term 2 - Education Unit 1 - New Media Formal Assessment - Blog posts: Expository writing skills, focus on paragraph structure Informal Assessment - Blog posts: Writing of Hooks Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Unit 2 - Transportation Formative Assessment - Reflection Writing: Social Media impacts in times of Crisis NA LINK TO LESSON PLAN:

ART Template

Transcript: Intrauterine Insemination Sperm Washing Image via Sydney Morning Herald. A Fertilization & Zygote Technology Evaluation of Sperm Washing in Reducing the Risk HCV Transmission to the New Born Embryo Cryopreservation Insemination & Transfer Technology Trophectoderm Biopsy If you are in this situation, are you willing to sacrifice these lives at the expense of a "designer baby"? Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Sperm Banking Savasi et al (2014) Mutation-free baby born from a MELAS carrier after blastocyst tropectoderm preimplantation genetic diagnosis Heindryckx et al, 2014 Application of Asissted Reproductive Technology in Disease Prevention What is MELAS? MELAS is a condition that affects many of the body's systems, particularly the brain and nervous system (encephalo-) and muscles (myopathy). Signs and symptoms: muscle weakness and pain recurrent headaches loss of appetite vomiting seizures. stroke-like episodes Human Reproduction Gametic Intrafallopian Transfer Semen Fractions Fallopian Tube Obstruction Surgery Vas Deference Obstruction Surgery MELAS Gene What is HCV? Objectives Reproductive Surgery Assisted Reproductive Health (ART) Disease Prevention Semen Technology After performing PGD-TE, only one blastocysts is selected and transferred into the mother's womb and the rest are eliminated. Consequently, these culled blastocyst have life already. Fertility Medication and Surgery Hormone Induction Be wise enough to decide... Zygotic Intrafallopian Transfer Reproductive Health Technology: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) AA HCV+ HVC- ART Should HCV Discordant couple with seropositive male partner be treated with ART? Since the presence of HCV in semen implies a possible risk of nosocomial contamination, safety regulation must be strictly applied in assisted reproduction laboratories. nucleus

Argument Outline Template

Transcript: Body Body Argument Essay Introduction A) Persuasive intro B) Discuss the issue - give a history of the issue with the traditional positions involved - the side you’re not arguing for first. C) A very clear point of your thesis. (localized issue has a more known about knowledge from your a - It will be something you will care about. Doesn’t mean you have to care about the topic at first hand. Use Amusing Anecdote At The End of the Argument Doesn’t have to go through all of it for each issue Just know where you stand Be mindful of it being coherent and sequenced with its evidence. Win your audience by persuasion, start at the bottom up If your aim is to be righteous then start w/strong arguments then add in stories You’re Arguing That It Is Superior To Do It That Way Superior to a yes or no. Has to Have Other People's Issues Notes Audience: Those that will agree with me. Why Being a Buddhist in a Westernized Country in the new world isn’t all that cracked up to be? Why Buddhist Feel like a Minority in a Western Country? An anticipatory refutation is to anticipate the best argument - Make them come to the microphone without legs Rationalize your weakest point in your argument. where you feel most vulnerable. There will be a point in your argument where you will be counter attacked and the worst you can let happen is being unaware of it. For most, end the paper with some kind of call to action Other Argument Topics Evidence Comes in a Hierarchy of Evidence (some evidence is better than others) Present it in a way that it is coherent and persuasive 1. Scientific evidence 2. Accepted fact 3. Expert testimonial 4. “I Witness” traditions, cultural mores 5. Gossip “heard…” Presentation of Evidence - not a simple matter Evidence changes in its valuation over time. Its not the same throughout all time Back it up with current evidence. Apprehend and demonstrate ie. 1800 “i witness” testimony ie. 2014 “i witness” won’t get you a conviction but DNA Arguing Template Conclusion

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